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The Life of the Land and Lakes is In Our Hands.

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 The highest priority within the Lands Program is to build and maintain an endowment sufficient to fund ongoing land stewardship activities.


7 Lakes Alliance has an exceptional land conservation and stewardship program that works with landowners to permanently protect the ecological, recreational, and economic values of the mountains, woods, and fields within the Belgrade Lakes Watershed. 


Our vision is to:


  • Conserve areas that provide high value habitat and protect water quality.

  • Expand recreational activities that promote healthy living.

  • Provide conservation easement education that engages the interest of landowners and allows them to make thoughtful informed conservation and land management decisions.


7 Lakes Alliance respects the economic and cultural values that the lands around us bring to our quality of life. Accredited by the Land Trust Alliance and guided by their Land Trust Standards, we work with willing landowners to secure the permanent conservation of lands with high ecological and recreational value, as well as lands where thoughtful and deliberate management is required to protect the health and water quality of our lakes.


To date, we have secured the permanent conservation of over 9,400 acres in the Belgrade Lakes region with high recreational and/or ecological value through easement and land purchase. This includes the 6,800-acre Kennebec Highlands, which encompasses the summit of McGaffey Mountain and miles of pristine streams, several wetlands areas, and five undeveloped ponds.



Land Stewardship


A group of dedicated volunteers and staff protect conservation properties through continuous monitoring and trail maintenance.
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Land Conservation


7 Lakes Alliance works to identify and permanently conserve--either through the purchase of the land or through conservation easement--lands that provide high value habitat, recreational opportunities, and water quality protection.

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7 Lakes Alliance Trail System


To promote public enjoyment of lands held by 7 Lakes Alliance, we created and maintain seven trail systems--with additional trails planned--to make these lands accessible to people of all ages.

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137 Main Street

PO Box 250

Belgrade Lakes, ME 04918


(207) 495-6039


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