7 Lakes permanently protects lands and waters within the Belgrade Lakes Watershed, safeguarding water quality, scenic beauty, wildlife habitat, and outdoor recreational opportunities for all.

Land conservation is the key to a healthy watershed. Water flows over and through the land before it makes its way to our lakes, and so the land acts as a natural filter, preventing harmful substances from entering our lakes and rivers. Large blocks of undeveloped land store and filter fresh water that is vital for watershed health, wildlife habitat, and human prosperity.

Our vision is to:

  • Conserve areas that provide high value habitat and protect water quality.
  • Expand recreational activities that promote healthy living.
  • Provide conservation easement education that engages the interest of landowners and allows them to make thoughtful informed conservation and land management decisions.

Land Conservation

7 Lakes Alliance works to identify and permanently conserve – either through the purchase of the land or through conservation easement – lands that provide high value habitat, recreational opportunities, and water quality protection.  We collaborate with willing landowners to create conservation strategies that meet their needs and vision for their property.

Conservation of the Kennebec Highlands was an exceptional achievement that will serve our community for generations to come, but it was the beginning, not the end of our land conservation efforts.

Kennebec Highlands

Land Stewardship

The 7 Lakes Alliance land stewardship program embraces our shared responsibility to conserve our land and the natural ecosystem that it contains in perpetuity.

We are committed to managing the 7 Lake Alliance land and easement holdings in a way that conserves the environmental, economic, social, and cultural attributes that sustain and enhance the Belgrade Lakes Region. A group of dedicated volunteers and staff protect conservation properties through continuous monitoring and trail maintenance. We are always accepting new volunteers of all ages and abilities.

Volunteer Opportunities

By the Numbers

7 Lakes seeks to conserve 30% of the Belgrade Lakes watershed and nearby areas.
To date, we have protected:

  • 23 privately owned parcels through conservation easements
  • 23 preserves, now owned by 7 Lakes Alliance
  • 9,000 acres of forest and farmlands
  • 2,000 acres of wetlands
  • 18 Miles of shoreline
  • 131 miles of rivers and streams

Land Trust Alliance

7 Lakes Alliance respects the economic and cultural values that the lands around us bring to our quality of life.

Accredited by the Land Trust Alliance and guided by their Land Trust Standards, we work with willing landowners to secure the permanent conservation of lands with high ecological and recreational value, as well as lands where thoughtful and deliberate management is required to protect the health and water quality of our lakes.

FAQs About Land Preservation

How do I conserve my land?

As a landowner, you have a variety of options to conserve your land, from donating a conservation easement or selling your land.

  • Conservation Easements
  • Donating Land
  • Selling Land
Download Guide


For more information about conserving land through 7 Lakes Alliance, contact Noah Pollock, Land Conservation Director.

The Land Trust Alliance also provides answers to frequently asked questions here.

What is a land trust?

A land trust is a nonprofit organization that, as all or part of its mission, actively works to conserve land, in the public interest, through land transactions – primarily the purchase or acceptance of donations of land or conservation easements. Most land trusts are private charitable corporations.

Land trusts are incorporated nonprofits whose mission is to protect open space from development. They may, or may not, provide public access to their lands via hiking trails and other means of recreation. The primary goal is to keep open space open and to keep the green in Maine’s countryside. This is accomplished through two principal mechanisms — outright ownership and easements.

Ownership comes by means of purchase or gift. Land trusts fundraise in order to have the cash to buy land. Land trusts identify properties that they think are important — scenically, culturally, ecologically — and then enter into the market to acquire them, just like any other land buyer. Property owners can get a tax deduction for selling land to a land trust at less than appraised value (this is known as a “bargain sale”). There are no tax advantages for full-value sales.

For more information on how land trusts work and how to protect your land, contact the Maine Land Trust Network or, locally, the 7 Lakes Alliance.

What is a conservation easement?

Conservation easements are another tool to protect land. The property owner deeds away the right to develop their property, thereby ensuring that it remains open space. The property is not owned by the land trust. The land trust works with the owner to ensure compliance with the terms of the easement (easements can be complicated or very simple, it all depends on what the owner wishes and what the land trust considers important to protect). There can be major tax advantages — both in income tax deductions and in inheritance taxes — with easement donations. Easements often allow a family to retain ownership of lands that might otherwise have been a tax burden.

A conservation easement is an agreement between a landowner and a private land trust or government. The agreement limits certain uses on all or a portion of a property for conservation purposes while keeping the property in the landowner’s ownership and control. The agreement is usually tailored to the particular property and to the goals of the owner and conservation organization. It applies to present and future owners of the land. Most conservation easements are donated by people who wish to protect a beloved place. The conservation easement is a nonpossessory interest of a holder in real property imposing limitations or affirmative obligations the purposes of which include retaining or protecting natural, scenic, or open-space values of real property, assuring its availability for agricultural, forest, recreational, or open-space use, protecting natural resources, maintaining or enhancing air or water quality, or preserving the historical, architectural, archaeological, or cultural aspects of real property.

How does conserving land protect water quality?

Land conservation is the key to a healthy watershed. Water flows over and through the land before it makes its way to our lakes, and so the land acts as a natural filter, preventing harmful substances from entering our lakes and rivers. Large blocks of undeveloped land store and filter fresh water that is vital for watershed health, wildlife habitat, and human prosperity.

How can I get involved in land stewardship?

7 Lakes Alliance is a grassroots organization that relies on our volunteer network to complete projects. Volunteer projects include trail work days, invasive species removal, property monitoring and more. For more information, visit the volunteers page.
